Emergency Migration required to our cPanel server (srv1)

  • Monday, 20th February, 2017
  • 07:13am

It's time to upgrade our cPanel server (Srv1) again. The server is performing since two years without zero downtime and robust performance. Due serving more clients and better performance than this, we are making the decision to upgrade our server to new hardware.

The migration time is: 21 February 2017 - 1.00 AM (+6 GMT)

We are expecting zero downtime, but we highly recommend to do not update the site after 20 February 2017 10.00 PM to 21 February 12.00 PM (+6 GMT).


The migration only affected to the srv1.nawabhost.com (cPanel) server.


Some details of our new server:

Dual Intel E5 v3 (32 Visible Core), RAID 10 Protected w/ Hardware Pure SSD Storage. 64 GB of DDR4 ECC RAM. CloudLinux, cPanel latest edition and much more.

We appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter and apologize for any inconveniences it may cause.

If you have any question, Please, Open a ticket here: https://my.nawabhost.com/contact.php

Aminul Islam,

CEO, NawabHost

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